1. All materials and photographs contained within this website are the copyright of BeardyNature Wildlife Photography and may not be printed or distributed in anyway without prior written consent from Christopher Smith (the photographer) or his representatives.
2. Artists please note it is illegal under international copyright law to use this work as reference without our permission and a commercial agreement. Please do not be one of the many artists who have found this out the hard way, we will always pursue this to the letter of the law no matter what the circumstances. There will be no discussion about this and apologies after use are not accepted by us our the court. If in doubt ask!
3. We all make typing mistakes so we apologise for any that the spoll chicker has failed to find. If it's a rude word then let us assure you that this was unintentional and will be removed immediately on discovery. Or when we sober up.
4. In any dispute the decision of BeardyNature Wildlife Photography will be final and no discussion will be entered into.